Applying a layout for Recipes page in Brunch Pro

Trying to set up the sidebar on Recipes pages in your Brunch Pro site similar to that in the theme demo? If you are using Simmer for Recipes plugin, /recipes page on the frontend will be the CPT’s archive page and not the static Page having the same slug. This causes the layout selected in the Page editor to not work in the frontend.

We can use the genesis_pre_get_option_site_layout filter hook to apply our desired Secondary Sidebar/Content layout to the /recipes CPT archive page by adding the following in Brunch Pro’s functions.php:

add_filter( 'genesis_pre_get_option_site_layout', 'custom_set_layout' );
 * Apply Secondary Sidebar/Content layout to `recipe` CPT archive.
 * @return string layout id.
function custom_set_layout() {
    if ( is_post_type_archive( 'recipe' ) ) {
        return 'alt-sidebar-content';

The other option is to change the CPT archive’s base from the default recipes to something else at Settings > Simmer and re-save the permalink structure.

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