Change the Genesis Author Box Title

To change the Genesis Framework author box title, you can use a filter:

/** Modify the author box title */
add_filter('genesis_author_box_title', 'graceful_author_box_title');
function graceful_author_box_title($title) {
    $title = sprintf( '<strong>%s %s</strong>', __('Crazy', 'genesis'), get_the_author_meta('user_firstname') );
    return $title;
/** Modify the author box title */
add_filter('genesis_author_box_title', 'graceful_author_box_title');
function graceful_author_box_title($title) {
    $title = sprintf( '<strong>%s</strong>', get_the_author_meta('user_firstname') );
    return $title;
/** Modify the author box title */
add_filter('genesis_author_box_title', 'graceful_author_box_title');
function graceful_author_box_title($title) {
    $title = sprintf( '<strong>%s</strong>', get_the_author() );
    return $title;
/** Modify the author box title with a shortcode */
add_filter( 'genesis_author_box_title', 'author_box_title' );
function author_box_title() {
   $title =  do_shortcode('[post_author_link before="<b>" after="</b>"]');
   return $title;

More on get_the_author_meta().

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