This tutorial is for above user. But it will be very helpful for other Genesis folks.
Step 1: Creating a custom field “video_embed_code” using WP’s Native Custom Fields feature. Go to post’s add/edit screen page and scroll down. You will get “Custom Fields” box. if it is not coming then click on “Screen Options” tab at top right side and tick Custom Fields checkbox. It will appear. Now follow the screenshots.
Step 2: Setting the Widget. In this tutorial I am using Genesis Featured Posts Combo. Because this plugin is supporting the hooks and filters. Here is widget settings:
Step 3: Now I added following codes in functions.php file. gfpc_entry_header
is a hook. Using this hook I am showing the video above the title. I set the priority “7”. Because priority “8” is using for post title. get_post_meta() function is retrieving the data of custom field “video_embed_code”.
add_action( 'gfpc_entry_header', 'gfpc_add_video_above_post_title', 7, 2 ); function gfpc_add_video_above_post_title( $instance, $widget_id ) { global $post; $video = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'video_embed_code', true ); if ( $video ) { echo $video; } }