How to add custom attribute to a nav menu item in WordPress

How to add custom attribute to a nav menu item in WordPress

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Want to add a custom attribute like target="foobox" or data-featherlight="#enews-popup" to a specific nav menu item’s anchor?

nav_menu_link_attributes filter hook in WordPress is your friend.

For example, adding

 * Add custom attribute and value to a nav menu item's anchor.
 * @author Sridhar Katakam
 * @link
add_filter( 'nav_menu_link_attributes', function ( $atts, $item, $args ) {
    if ( 1161 === $item->ID ) { // change 1161 to the ID of your menu item.
        $atts['target'] = 'foobox';

    return $atts;
}, 10, 3 );

in child theme’s functions.php will add target="foobox" to the menu item 1161’s a element.

Replace 1161 with the ID of your menu item. This can be obtained by inspecting it using Chrome’s Developer Tools.

Here’s a better version which does not rely on entering the menu item ID:

Simply assign a class to the menu item, say target-foobox and use this code:

 * Add custom attribute and value to a nav menu item's anchor based on CSS class.
 * @author Sridhar Katakam
 * @link
add_filter( 'nav_menu_link_attributes', function ( $atts, $item, $args ) {
    if ( 'target-foobox' === $item->classes[0] ) {
        $atts['target'] = 'foobox';

    return $atts;
}, 10, 3 );