How to exclude Page(s) from Genesis Archive Page Template

How to exclude Page(s) from Genesis Archive Page Template

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In the members-only forum, a user asked:

Hi Sridhar,
I cannot find anything that works… how can I leave out a few pages, like “thank you” pages in the page_sitemap.php in Genesis.
In my case, I am using your genesis-sample-master and I want to leave out Page ID:11 and ID:720.

The Genesis Archive Template uses wp_list_pages() function to display a list of all static Pages on a Page to which the template has been applied.

WordPress provides a wp_list_pages_excludes filter which can be used to set specific Pages from not appearing in the list output by wp_list_pages().

Adding the following in child theme’s functions.php will exclude Pages having the IDs of 11 and 720 from appearing in anywhere a list of Pages are output using the wp_list_pages():

add_filter( 'wp_list_pages_excludes', 'filter_wp_list_pages_excludes', 10, 1 );
 * Exclude specific Pages from wp_list_pages().
 * @param array $exclude_array Current array of Page IDs to be excluded from wp_list_pages().
function filter_wp_list_pages_excludes( $exclude_array ) {
	return array_merge( $exclude_array, array( 11, 720 ) );

If you would like to limit the Pages exclusion to only on Genesis Archive Template Page, use this instead:

add_filter( 'wp_list_pages_excludes', 'filter_wp_list_pages_excludes', 10, 1 );
 * Exclude specific Pages from wp_list_pages().
 * @param array $exclude_array Current array of Page IDs to be excluded from wp_list_pages().
function filter_wp_list_pages_excludes( $exclude_array ) {
	if ( is_page_template( 'page_archive.php' ) ) {
		$exclude_array = array_merge( $exclude_array, array( 11, 720 ) );

	return $exclude_array;