How to Increase the All-in-One WP Migration Plugin Upload Limit

How to Increase the All-in-One WP Migration Plugin Upload Limit

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The instructions outlined in How to Increase the All-in-One WP Migration Plugin Upload Limit tutorial to work, you can use version 7.27 [Latest] or earlier of the All-in-one WP Migration Plugin.

Step 1. First, make sure the plugin is installed and it is inactive. Then we need to edit it. Go to Plugins / Editor.

Step 2. Select the All-in-One WP Migration from the dropdown and press Select to select it.

Step 3. In the Plugin Files, click on constants.php to edit it.

Step 4. Look/ Search for Max File Size, or in this example, it’s in line 284. You will see something like this.

// =================
// = Max File Size =
// =================
define( ‘AI1WM_MAX_FILE_SIZE’, 2 << 28 );

Step 5. Now replace this with

// =================
// = Max File Size =
// =================
define( 'AI1WM_MAX_FILE_SIZE', 2 << 28 *1.2);

And you will have 16 GB upload limit now.


replace it with

// =================
// = Max File Size =
// =================
define( 'AI1WM_MAX_FILE_SIZE', 10737418240 );

where 10737418240 is in bytes, you can enter any number corresponding to upload limit you want ????

this will increase upload limit to 10 GB as shown below.

Feel free to use comment section in case of any concern/doubt. Enjoy ????