How to remove Primary Navigation Menu from WooCommerce pages in Genesis

In Facebook Genesis group, a user asked:

I’m using Cafe Pro and I want to remove the menu from my WooCommerce pages only. I’ve looked through the functions file to try and find where it’s hooked in, but I don’t see it. Can someone point me in the right direction, please?

Primary nav menu (genesis_do_nav()) is hooked to genesis_after_header by default in Genesis.

add_action( 'genesis_after_header', 'genesis_do_nav' );

To remove this, we simply hook a function at a location which is one level above genesis_after_header i.e., genesis_header inside which we use the if condition to check for any/all WooCommerce page/s.

Add the following in child theme’s functions.php:

add_action( 'genesis_header', 'sk_remove_primary_nav' );
 * Remove Primary Navigation Menu from all WooCommerce pages.
function sk_remove_primary_nav() {
    // if this is not a WooCommerce page or Cart Page or Checkout Page, abort.
    if ( ! ( is_woocommerce() || is_cart() || is_checkout() ) ) {

    remove_action( 'genesis_after_header', 'genesis_do_nav' );


Hook as late as possible.

Return as early as possible.

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