We already knew that we can overwrite the existing Settings Form fields and frontend.php file of a module via hooks. But sometimes we require to modify the other files like fronend.js.php, frontend.js and other inner files of a module as per the site requirement. We can do this without touching the core plugins (like BB, PP, UABB).
At first you will connect to server via FTP/CPanel or you can install the WP Filemanager plugin and do the following steps.
Overwrite Official Beaver Builder Modules
You can overwrite the official Beaver Builder modules. Here you go:
- Go to your active theme folder.
- Create an new folder “fl-builder” and inside this new folder you will create another folder “modules”.
- Assume you will edit the Post Slider module. You will copy the post-slider folder from bb-plugin/modules folder and put into your themefolder/fl-builder/modules folder.
- Now you can edit the any files of Post Slider module from your themefolder/fl-builder/modules/post-slider folder
This procedure is also good and you will not lost your custom works when you will update the Beaver Builder plugin.
Overwrite UABB Modules
You can also overwrite the official UABB modules. Here is the steps:
- Go to your active theme folder.
- Create an new folder “uabb-ultimate-addon” and inside this new folder you will create another folder “modules”.
- Assume you will edit the Countdown module. You will copy the uabb-countdown folder from bb-ultimate-addon/modules folder and put into your themefolder/bb-ultimate-addon/modules folder.
- Now you can edit the any files of Countdown module from your themefolder/bb-ultimate-addon/modules/uabb-countdown folder
Overwrite PowerPack(PP) Modules
Same way you can edit the official PowerPack modules. Here is the steps:
- Go to your active theme folder.
- Create an new folder “bb-powerpack” and inside this new folder you will create another folder “modules”.
- Assume you will edit the Flip Box module. You will copy the pp-flipbox folder from bb-powerpack/modules folder and put into your themefolder/bb-powerpack/modules folder.
- Now you can edit the any files of Flip Box module from your themefolder/bb-powerpack/modules/pp-flipbox folder