WP TutorialsRedirect After Theme Activation Posted on 24/08/202125/08/2021 by C.O.P If you have special instructions in your theme (eg. in your theme options page) that you’d like the user to see when they first activate the theme, you can use the following function to redirect them there: if (is_admin() && isset($_GET['activated']) && $pagenow == "themes.php") wp_redirect('themes.php?page=themeoptions'); Pay special attention to the wp_redirect() function. Make sure to replace the themes.php?page=themeoptions with the URL of your page. Where possible, stick to the main roads i.e. follow the native/established WordPress way of doing things. C.O.P Show / hide the WordPress Admin toolbar Make your way to the Exif
If you have special instructions in your theme (eg. in your theme options page) that you’d like the user to see when they first activate the theme, you can use the following function to redirect them there: if (is_admin() && isset($_GET['activated']) && $pagenow == "themes.php") wp_redirect('themes.php?page=themeoptions'); Pay special attention to the wp_redirect() function. Make sure to replace the themes.php?page=themeoptions with the URL of your page. Where possible, stick to the main roads i.e. follow the native/established WordPress way of doing things.
If you have special instructions in your theme (eg. in your theme options page) that you’d like the user to see when they first activate the theme, you can use the following function to redirect them there: if (is_admin() && isset($_GET['activated']) && $pagenow == "themes.php") wp_redirect('themes.php?page=themeoptions'); Pay special attention to the wp_redirect() function. Make sure to replace the themes.php?page=themeoptions with the URL of your page. Where possible, stick to the main roads i.e. follow the native/established WordPress way of doing things.
If you have special instructions in your theme (eg. in your theme options page) that you’d like the user to see when they first activate the theme, you can use the following function to redirect them there: if (is_admin() && isset($_GET['activated']) && $pagenow == "themes.php") wp_redirect('themes.php?page=themeoptions'); Pay special attention to the wp_redirect() function. Make sure to replace the themes.php?page=themeoptions with the URL of your page. Where possible, stick to the main roads i.e. follow the native/established WordPress way of doing things.