Do you want to display the author image next to the author name in the post meta area under the post title in the Astra theme? By default, only the text-only author name display in that location. However, using a few lines of code can help you add author image next to the author name.
PHP Snippet: Add the Author Image
In the WordPress Dashboard, go to Appearance > Theme Editor and open the functions.php file of your Astra chid theme. Then add the following code at the end. Alternatively, you can use code snippets plugin for adding custom code.
if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_post_author' ) ) { /** * Function to get Author of Post * * @param string $output_filter Filter string. * @return html Markup. */ function astra_post_author( $output_filter = '' ) { ob_start(); echo '<span '; echo astra_attr( 'post-meta-author', array( 'class' => 'posted-by vcard author', 'itemtype' => '', 'itemscope' => 'itemscope', 'itemprop' => 'author', ) ); echo '>'; // Translators: Author Name. ?> <?php $output = ob_get_clean(); return apply_filters( 'astra_post_author', $output, $output_filter ); } } add_filter( 'astra_default_strings', 'wpd_astra_default_strings' ); function wpd_astra_default_strings( $strings ) { $strings['string-blog-meta-author-by'] = ''; // removing "by" text return $strings; }