Custom Metaviewport Tag
add_filter( 'wpex_meta_viewport', function() { return ''; } );
Altering Layouts (Full Screen, No Sidebar, Left Sidebar, Right Sidebar)
/** * Alter your post layouts * * @return full-width, full-screen, left-sidebar or right-sidebar * */ add_filter( 'wpex_post_layout_class', function( $class ) { // Alter your custom post type layout if ( is_singular( 'YOUR_CPT' ) ) { $class = 'full-width'; } // Return correct class return $class; }, 20 );
Remove Recommended Plugins Notice
// Remove certain plugins function my_recommended_plugins( $plugins ) { // Remove notice to install WooCommerce unset( $plugins['woocommerce'] ); // Return plugins return $plugins; } add_filter( 'wpex_recommended_plugins', 'my_recommended_plugins' ); // Remove all plugins // THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED IF YOU ARE USING SOME OF THE PLUGINS SINCE THE NOTICE IS IS ALSO USED TO LET YOU KNOW OF UPDATES add_filter( 'wpex_recommended_plugins', '__return_empty_array' );
Add/Remove Image Sizes
// Add & remove image sizes from the "Image Sizes" panel add_filter( 'wpex_image_sizes', function( $sizes ) { // Remove "blog_post_full" image size unset( $sizes['blog_post_full'] ); // Add new image size "my_image_sizes" $sizes['my_image_size'] = array( 'label' => __( 'My Image Size', 'wpex' ), // Label 'width' => 'my_image_size_width', // id for theme_mod width 'height' => 'my_image_size_height', // id for theme_mod height 'crop' => 'my_image_size_crop', // id for theme_mod crop ); // Return sizes return $sizes; }, 9999 );
Allow Skype Links In The Theme
add_filter( 'kses_allowed_protocols', function( $protocols ){ $protocols[] = 'skype'; return $protocols; } );
Alter The Default Excerpt Arguments
/* The Default arguments look like this: $defaults = array( 'output' => '', 'length' => '30', 'readmore' => false, 'readmore_link' => '', 'more' => '…', ); */ // You can use a filter to alter these. It will also override any values inputed for the wpex_get_excerpt() function function my_wpex_excerpt_args( $args ) { // Set more tag to nothing $args['more'] == ''; // Change more tag into a more link for portfolio posts if ( 'portfolio' == get_post_type() ) { $args['more'] = '…<a href="'. get_permalink() .'" title="'. wpex_get_esc_title() .'">'. __( 'Read More', 'wpex' ) .' →</a>'; } // Return args return $args; } add_filter( 'wpex_excerpt_args', 'my_wpex_excerpt_args' );
Remove Recommended Plugins
// Remove recommended plugins add_filter( 'wpex_recommended_plugins', '__return_empty_array' );
Remove/Hide The Edit Page/Post Links
body .post-edit { display: none !important; }
Conditionally Show/Hide The Footer Callout
function my_callout_visibility( $bool ) { // Hide on the front page if ( is_front_page() ) { $bool = false; } // Return boolean return $bool; } add_filter( 'wpex_callout_enabled', 'my_callout_visibility', 20 );
Alter Any Post Type Archive To Display Like the Blog
add_filter( 'wpex_is_blog_query', function( $bool ) { if ( is_post_type_archive( 'events' ) ) { $bool = true; // Make events post type archive render like blog posts } return $bool; } );
Conditionally Disable/Enable The “Togglebar”
add_action( 'wpex_toggle_bar_active', function( $bool ) { // Disable on blog archives (category/tag/date/author/blog template/format archives) if ( wpex_is_blog_query() ) { $bool = false; } // Return display return $bool; } );
Move Top Bar Outside The Header
/* The top bar is by default hooked into the header so when the header is disabled * so is the top bar. However, you can move the Top Bar into a different hook to prevent that * * @deprecated Please update your theme because this is now the default structure in the latest version * no need to add any code to your site. */ function my_move_top_bar() { // Remove from the header hook remove_action( 'wpex_hook_header_before', 'wpex_top_bar' ); // Re-add with low priority to make sure it comes before the header add_action( 'wpex_hook_wrap_top', 'wpex_top_bar', 5 ); } add_action( 'init', 'my_move_top_bar', 20 );
Conditionally Enable/Disable The “Topbar”
add_action( 'wpex_is_top_bar_enabled', function( $bool ) { // Disable on checkout if ( function_exists( 'is_checkout' ) && is_checkout() ) { $bool = false; } // Return display return $bool; } );
Move Topbar Under Main Header
function myprefix_move_topbar() { // Remove from wrap top remove_action( 'wpex_hook_wrap_top', 'wpex_top_bar', 5 ); // Re-add to header after hook add_action( 'wpex_hook_header_after', 'wpex_top_bar' ); } add_action( 'init', 'myprefix_move_topbar' );
Topbar Custom Image Icons
function my_alter_top_bar_social_img_url() { return get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .'/images/social/'; // Adjust accordingly. } add_filter( 'top_bar_social_img_url', 'my_alter_top_bar_social_img_url' );
Move Topbar Inside Header Wrapper (useful to add it inside the header Overlay)
function myprefix_move_topbar_to_header() { remove_action( 'wpex_hook_wrap_top', 'wpex_top_bar', 5 ); add_action( 'wpex_hook_header_top', 'wpex_top_bar', 1 ); } add_action( 'init', 'myprefix_move_topbar_to_header' );
Custom Topbar Social Link for Another Language (WPML)
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', function() { // Get global Customizer settings global $wpex_theme_mods; // Check if topbar facebook value is set if ( isset( $wpex_theme_mods['top_bar_social_profiles']['facebook'] ) ) { // Get current language $current_language = defined( 'ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE' ) ? ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE : ''; // Update global variable to alter the value of the topbar social facebook link for this language if ( 'he' == $current_language ) { $wpex_theme_mods['top_bar_social_profiles']['facebook'] = 'HEBREW FACEBOOK PAGE'; } } }, 40 );
Add New Top Bar Social Options
add_filter( 'wpex_topbar_social_options', function( $options ) { // Add phone number option $options['phone'] = array( 'label' => 'Phone', 'icon_class' => 'ticon ticon-phone', // See ); // Return options return $options; } );
Conditionally Alter Topbar Content
add_filter( 'wpex_top_bar_content', function( $content ) { if ( is_page( 'about' ) ) { $content = 'Custom Content'; // Return custom content for the about page } return $content; } );
Add Rel Nofollow To Top Bar Social Links
add_filter( 'wpex_topbar_social_link_attrs', function( $attrs ) { $attrs['rel'] = 'nofollow'; return $attrs; } );
Remove Top Bar Social Links Title Attributes
add_filter( 'wpex_topbar_social_link_attrs', function( $attrs ) { unset( $attrs['title'] ); return $attrs; } );
Move Aside Content On Top Of Logo For Header Three
// Move header aside content above logo by tweaking the action hooks function move_header_aside() { // Remove action remove_action( 'wpex_hook_header_inner', 'wpex_header_aside' ); // Re-add with higher priority add_action( 'wpex_hook_header_inner', 'wpex_header_aside', 0 ); } add_action( 'init', 'move_header_aside' );
Add Secondary Custom Menu Under Header
function add_custom_menu_above_main_content() { ?> <div class="my-nav-wrapper clr"> <div class="container clr"> <!-- .center the navbar content --> <?php // Solution 1 add the navbar shortcode echo do_shortcode( '[vcex_navbar menu="60"]' ); // change the menu ID // Solution 2 using WP menu see // @ for args $args = array(); wp_nav_menu( $args ); // Solution 3 use a menu plugin such as uberMenu do_shortcode( '[menu_shortcode_here]' ); ?> </div> </div> <?php } add_action( 'wpex_hook_header_after', 'add_custom_menu_above_main_content' );
Hide Footer Callout For All Blog Archives & Posts
function my_hide_callout_on_blog_archives( $bool ) { if ( wpex_is_blog_query() || is_singular( 'post' ) ) { $bool = false; } return $bool; } add_filter( 'wpex_callout_enabled', 'my_hide_callout_on_blog_archives', 20 );
Change Post Series Archive Layout
// Change Post Series Archive Layout function my_alter_post_series_layout( $layout ) { if ( is_tax( 'post_series' ) ) { return 'full-width'; } return $layout; } add_filter( 'wpex_post_layout_class', 'my_alter_post_series_layout' );
Change Post Series Archive Entry Style
/** * Change Post Series Archive Entry Style * Available options: large-image-entry-style, thumbnail-entry-style, grid-entry-style */ function my_post_series_entry_style( $style ) { if ( is_tax( 'post_series' ) ) return 'grid-entry-style'; return $style; } add_filter( 'wpex_blog_style', 'my_post_series_entry_style' ); add_filter( 'wpex_blog_entry_style', 'my_post_series_entry_style' );
Change Post Series Order
// Change post series order from ASC to DESC function myprefix_post_series_query_args( $args ) { $args['order'] = 'DESC'; return $args; } add_filter( 'wpex_post_series_query_args', 'myprefix_post_series_query_args' );
Enable Post Series For Custom Post Type
/** * Register series for post types * This function register the taxonomy so you can now start using it, however it won't * display the actual post series on the front-end, for that you need to use some extra code, * we recommend adding a new blog for your post type via the theme filters (see useful links below) * and in your custom blog you can use the code get_template_part( 'partials/blog/blog-single-series' ) * or you can copy and paste the code from the file at Total/partials/blog/blog-single-series into your new * block for your post type so you can also modify it accordingly. * * @link * @link * @link * */ function myprefix_register_tax_for_objects() { register_taxonomy_for_object_type( 'post_series', 'portfolio' ); } add_action( 'init', 'myprefix_register_tax_for_objects' );
Automatically Display Featured Image At The Top Of Pages
function my_page_featured_image() { if ( is_page() && has_post_thumbnail() ) { echo '<div class="my-page-featured-image clr">'. get_the_post_thumbnail() .'</div>'; } } add_action( 'wpex_hook_main_top', 'my_page_featured_image', 10 );
Disable Page Header Title on ALL Pages
function my_disable_page_header( $bool ) { if ( is_page() ) { $bool = false; // this will allow meta options to work still } return $bool; } add_filter( 'wpex_display_page_header', 'my_disable_page_header' );
Hide Related Portfolio Heading
body .related-portfolio-posts-heading { display: none; }
Hide Related Portfolio Item Excerpt (CSS)
.related-portfolio-posts .portfolio-entry-excerpt { display: none; }
Disable Related Portfolio Item Excerpt (PHP)
function my_related_portfolio_excerpt_length( $length ) { if ( is_singular() ) { $length = '0'; } return $length; } add_filter( 'wpex_portfolio_entry_excerpt_length', 'my_related_portfolio_excerpt_length' );
Tweak The Visual Composer Total Grid Filter Links Arguments
/** * Tweak the VC portfolio grid filter arguments * * @link */ function my_portfolio_grid_filter_args( $args ) { $args['order'] = 'DESC'; return $args; } add_filter( 'vcex_portfolio_grid_filter_args', 'my_portfolio_grid_filter_args' );
Add Portfolio Category To Single Portfolio Post Slug
/** * Add portfolio category to slug by altering register_post_type args. * You can also do this in the editor dashboard instead * */ function my_add_portfolio_category_term_to_slug( $args ) { // Alter slug $args['rewrite']['slug'] = 'portfolio-item/%portfolio_category%'; // Remove with front $args['rewrite']['with_front'] = false; // Return args return $args; } add_filter( 'wpex_portfolio_args', 'my_add_portfolio_category_term_to_slug' ); /** * Alter portfolio post type link * This method can be used for any post type (staff/testimonials/portfolio) if tweaked correctly. */ function my_alter_portfolio_link( $url, $post ) { // Return $url if %portfolio_category%/ not in slug or is not portfolio post type if ( 'portfolio' != get_post_type( $post ) || strpos( $url, '%portfolio_category%' ) === false ) { return $url; } // Get post terms $terms = wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, 'portfolio_category' ); // Get first term to use in front of slug if ( ! is_wp_error( $terms ) && ! empty( $terms ) && is_object( $terms[0] ) ) { $taxonomy_slug = $terms[0]->slug; } // Tweak url to turn %portfolio_category% into the first term slug if ( ! empty( $taxonomy_slug ) ) { $url = str_replace( '%portfolio_category%', $taxonomy_slug, $url ); } // No terms found so simply remove %portfolio_category% else { $url = str_replace( '%portfolio_category%', '', $url ); } // Return $url return $url; } add_filter( 'post_type_link', 'my_alter_portfolio_link', 10, 2 );
Add Meta Option To Portfolio Posts For Disabling Auto Media
// Add option to Portfolio items to disable media function my_new_portfolio_meta_options( $options ) { // Add new setting to portfolio tab $options['portfolio']['settings']['wpex_post_media'] = array( 'title' => __( 'Post Media', 'wpex' ), 'description' => __( 'Display media on single post?', 'wpex' ), 'id' => 'wpex_post_media', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array( '' => __( 'Yes', 'wpex' ), 'no' => __( 'No', 'wpex' ), ), ); // Return all options return $options; } add_filter( 'wpex_metabox_array', 'my_new_portfolio_meta_options', 40 ); // Disable portfolio post media by tweaking single blocks if disabled via custom-field function my_portfolio_media_visibility( $blocks ) { // Set block vals equal to keys for ease $blocks = array_combine( $blocks, $blocks ); // If wpex_post_media field is set to 'no' then remove the media if ( 'no' == get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'wpex_post_media', true ) ) { unset( $blocks['media'] ); } // Return layout blocks return $blocks; } add_filter( 'wpex_portfolio_single_blocks', 'my_portfolio_media_visibility', 20 );
Add New “Blocks” To The Portfolio Post Layout
/** * Example function for adding new "blocks" to the portfolio post layout manager. * * IMPORTANT: The module will be disabled by default, be sure to go to the Customizer * to enable it. * */ add_filter( 'wpex_portfolio_single_blocks', function( $blocks, $instance ) { // Used for customizer setting to drag/drop the new module if ( 'customizer' == $instance ) { $blocks['tags'] = __( 'Tags', 'wpex' ); } // Used for the front-end output // Here you can define an anonymous function for the output or set the value to a function name used for the output. else { $blocks = array_combine( $blocks, $blocks ); // Add custom output for the tags if ( isset( $blocks['tags'] ) ) { $blocks['tags'] = function() { // Get tags $taxonomy = 'portfolio_tag'; $show_links = true; $echo = false; $tags = wpex_list_post_terms( $taxonomy, $show_links, $echo ); // Output tags if ( $tags ) { echo '<div class="my-portfolio-tags clr">' . $tags . '</div>'; } }; } } // Return blocks return $blocks; }, 10, 2 );
Alter The Portfolio Related Posts Heading
// Alter The Portfolio Related Posts Heading function my_portfolio_related_heading_args( $args ) { // Show different text for items in category "design" if ( has_term( 'design', 'portfolio_category' ) ) { $args['content'] = 'Custom heading'; } // Return args return $args; } add_filter( 'wpex_heading_portfolio_related', 'my_portfolio_related_heading_args' );
Change Related Portfolio Query Arguments
// Change Related Portfolio Query Arguments add_filter( 'wpex_related_portfolio_args', function( $args ) { // Remove tax_query parameter so it doesn't try and display items from the same category $args['tax_query'] = NULL; // Change orderby parameter from random to date $args['orderby'] = 'date'; // Return args return $args; } );
Portfolio Category Description Above Loop
function my_portfolio_category_description_above_loop( $bool ) { if ( is_tax( 'portfolio_category' ) ) { return true; } return $bool; } add_filter( 'wpex_has_term_description_above_loop', 'my_portfolio_category_description_above_loop' );
Add new staff social profiles
// Add new staff social profiles add_filter( 'wpex_staff_social_array', function( $profiles ) { // Add instagram $profiles['instagram'] = array ( 'key' => 'instagram', 'meta' => 'wpex_staff_instagram', 'icon_class' => 'ticon ticon-instagram', 'label' => 'Instagram', ); // Return profiles return $profiles; } );
Add New “Blocks” To The Staff Post Layout
/** * Example function for adding new "blocks" to the staff post layout manager. * * After adding your new blocks simply create a new file with the name "staff-single-YOUR_KEY.php" * and place this file at partials/staff/ in your child theme. Make sure to replace "YOUR_KEY" with * the key given in the array. So as an example for the function below you will create a file * called single-custom-fields.php for your custom code * * IMPORTANT: This module will be disabled by default, so you will have to go to the Customizer to enable it. * */ function my_staff_post_blocks( $blocks ) { // Add new block "categories" $blocks['custom-fields'] = __( 'Custom Fields', 'wpex' ); // Return blocks return $blocks; } add_filter( 'wpex_staff_single_blocks', 'my_staff_post_blocks' );
Staff Category Description Above Loop
function my_staff_tax_description_above_loop( $bool ) { if ( is_tax( 'staff_category' ) ) { return true; } return $bool; } add_filter( 'wpex_has_term_description_above_loop', 'my_staff_tax_description_above_loop' );
Enable HTML For Staff Position
function myprefix_allow_staff_position_html( $position ) { if ( $position ) { return html_entity_decode( $position ); } } add_filter( 'wpex_staff_entry_position', 'myprefix_allow_staff_position_html' );
Order Related Staff by Name
// Alter the related staff posts query function myprefix_custom_related_staff_args( $args ) { // Change order from random to name $args['orderby'] = 'title'; // Return args return $args; } add_filter( 'wpex_related_staff_args', 'myprefix_custom_related_staff_args' );
Adding a First & Last Name Field for Staff Members
add_filter( 'wpex_metabox_array', function( $array ) { // Make sure staff tab exists in arrray if ( isset( $array['staff'] ) ) { // Add First name to staff $array['staff']['settings']['first_name'] = array( 'title' => __( 'First Name', 'total' ), 'description' => __( 'Field description', 'total' ), 'id' => 'wpex_first_name', // Custom field ID used to retrive via get_post_meta 'type' => 'text', ); // Add Last name to staff $array['staff']['settings']['last_name'] = array( 'title' => __( 'Last Name', 'total' ), 'description' => __( 'Field description', 'total' ), 'id' => 'wpex_last_name', // Custom field ID used to retrive via get_post_meta 'type' => 'text', ); } // Return meta array return $array; }, 40 );
Remove Staff Social Options
add_filter( 'wpex_staff_social_array', function( $profiles ) { unset( $profiles['dribbble'] ); // Remove Dribble unset( $profiles['skype'] ); // Remove Skype return $profiles; } );
Add Xing to Staff Social Profiles
// Add new staff social profiles add_filter( 'wpex_staff_social_array', function( $profiles ) { $profiles['xing'] = array ( 'key' => 'xing', 'meta' => 'wpex_staff_xing', 'icon_class' => 'ticon ticon-xing', 'label' => 'Xing', ); return $profiles; }, 40 );
Remove Staff Meta Settings & Image Gallery
// Remove staff settings metabox add_filter( 'wpex_main_metaboxes_post_types', function( $types ) { unset( $types['staff'] ); return $types; }, 40 ); // Remove staff gallery add_filter( 'wpex_gallery_metabox_post_types', function( $types ) { $types = array_combine( $types, $types ); unset( $types['staff'] ); return $types; }, 40 );
Display Testimonial Post Title On Single Testimonials Page Header
function my_testimonials_page_title( $title ) { if ( is_singular( 'testimonials' ) ) { $title = get_the_title(); } return $title; } add_filter( 'wpex_title', 'my_testimonials_page_title', 40 );
Add A Single Testimonial Shortcode
// Add a single testimonial shortcode // Usage: [single_testimonial id="128"] function myprefix_single_testimonial_shortcode( $atts ) { ob_start(); extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'id' => '', ), $atts, 'single_testimonial' ) ); if ( $id ) { $wpex_query = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'testimonials', 'post__in' => array( $id ), 'no_found_rows' => true, ) ); if ( $wpex_query->have_posts() ) : while ( $wpex_query->have_posts() ) : $wpex_query->the_post(); if ( $template = locate_template( 'partials/testimonials/testimonials-entry.php', false ) ) { include( $template ); } endwhile; endif; wp_reset_postdata(); } return ob_get_clean(); } add_shortcode( 'single_testimonial', 'myprefix_single_testimonial_shortcode' );
Display Read More link for Testimonials with Custom Excerpts
add_filter( 'wpex_excerpt_output', function( $excerpt ) { global $post; if ( $post && 'testimonials' == $post->post_type && $post->post_excerpt ) { $readmore = '<a href="'. get_permalink( $post->ID ) .'" title="Read More" rel="bookmark">read more <span class="wpex-readmore-rarr">→</span></a>'; return $post->post_excerpt .' '. $readmore; } return $excerpt; } );
Enable the “Media” Post Settings For Custom Post Types
// Enable the "Media" post settings tab for custom post types function my_add_meta_media_to_my_custom_type( $array ) { $array['media']['post_type'][] = 'my_custom_type'; return $array; } add_filter( 'wpex_metabox_array', 'my_add_meta_media_to_my_custom_type', 40 );
Alter Meta Sections (date, comments, author, etc) For Custom Post Types
// Alter the meta sections array via the "wpex_meta_sections" filter // For the blog use the 'wpex_blog_entry_meta_sections' or 'wpex_blog_single_meta_sections' instead add_filter( 'wpex_meta_blocks', function( $sections ) { // Your meta sections array ( you can move them around or remove some ) // This is the default array you could also just use unset to remove any $sections = array( 'date', 'author', 'categories', 'comments' ); // Example of a meta section with a custom output $sections['my_custom_block'] = function() { echo 'my custom content'; }; // Return sections return $sections; } );
Enable Social Sharing On Custom Post Types
// Enable Social Sharing On Custom Post Types add_filter( 'wpex_has_social_share', function( $bool ) { if ( is_singular( 'YOUR_POST_TYPE_NAME' ) ) { $bool = true; } return $bool; }, 40 );
Add Overlay To Custom Post Type Entry
/** * Example function for altering your entry overlay style for custom post types * outside the scope of the theme. * * Available options: see Total/framework/overlays.php wpex_overlay_styles_array() * * @since 3.2.0 * @return string */ function myprefix_edd_entry_overlay() { return 'title-push-up'; // Alter overlay for Easy Digital Downloads entry } add_filter( 'wpex_download_entry_overlay_style', 'myprefix_edd_entry_overlay' );
Add/Remove “Blocks” (Sections) From Custom Post Type Posts
/** * Any custom post type post layout can be altered via the wpex_{post_type}_single_blocks filter * which returns an array of the "blocks" or parts for the layout * that will be loaded from partials/cpt/cpt-single-{block}.php * * Default array: array( 'media', 'title', 'meta', 'content', 'page-links', 'share', 'comments' ); * * You can use the filter to add, remove or re-order elements in the array as you wish. * Below is an example showing how to add a new block for a custom post type and remove one. * * After adding your new blocks simply create a new file with the name "cpt-single-YOUR_KEY.php" * and place this file at partials/cpt/ in your child theme. * * IMPORTANT: Make sure to change {post_type} with your post type name * IMPORTANT: Make sure to replace "YOUR_KEY" with the key given in the array (advertisement is the key for the block added below) * */ add_filter( 'wpex_{post_type}_single_blocks', function( $blocks ) { // Option 1: Add new block "advertisement" and create your cpt-single-advertisement.php file to add to your child theme $blocks['advertisement'] = __( 'My Advertisement', 'total' ); // Option 2: Total 4.0+ only // Add new blocks with custom function output // Below is an example with an anonymous function but you can use custom functions as well ;) $blocks['custom_block'] = function() { echo 'my custom block'; }; // Remove the featured image from this post type unset( $blocks['media'] ); // Return blocks return $blocks; } );
Add/Remove “Blocks” (Sections) From Custom Post Type Entries
/** * Any custom post type post entry can be altered via the wpex_{post_type}_entry_blocks filter * which returns an array of the "blocks" or parts for the layout * that will be loaded from partials/cpt/cpt-entry-{block}.php * * Default array: array( 'media', 'title', 'meta', 'content', 'readmore' ); * * You can use the filter to add, remove or re-order elements in the array as you wish. * Below is an example showing how to add a new block for a custom post type and remove one. * * After adding new blocks simply create a new file with the name "cpt-entry-YOUR_KEY.php" * and place this file at partials/cpt/ in your child theme. * * IMPORTANT: Make sure to change {post_type} with your post type name * IMPORTANT: Make sure to replace "YOUR_KEY" with the key given in the array (advertisement is the key for the block added below) * */ function myprefix_cpt_entry_blocks( $blocks ) { // Example 1 - Add new block "advertisement" ( requires template part for output ) $blocks['advertisement'] = __( 'My Advertisement', 'total' ); // Example 2 - Added in Total 4.0+ // Add new blocks with custom function output // Below is an example with an anonymous function but you can use custom functions as well ;) $blocks['custom_block'] = function() { echo 'my custom block'; }; // Return blocks return $blocks; } add_filter( 'wpex_{post_type}_entry_blocks', 'myprefix_cpt_entry_blocks' );
Custom Post Type Post Thumbnail Arguments (size, alt, schema, style, etc)
/** * Alter custom post type thumbnail arguments * @see framework/core-functions wpex_get_post_thumbnail() function for a list of all available arguments * * IMPORTANT: Don't forget to change where it says "YOUR_POST_TYPE_NAME" to your post type name */ function my_prefix_cpt_post_thumbnail_arguments( $args ) { return array( 'size' => 'full', 'width' => '900', 'height' => '400', 'crop' => 'center-center', 'alt' => wpex_get_esc_title(), 'schema_markup' => true, ); } add_filter( 'wpex_YOUR_POST_TYPE_NAME_entry_thumbnail_args', 'my_prefix_cpt_post_thumbnail_arguments' );
Enable The Image Gallery For Custom Post Types
add_filter( 'wpex_gallery_metabox_post_types', function( $types ) { $types[] = 'your_post_type'; return $types; } );
Easy Custom Post Type Entry Override
function myprefix_custom_template_parts( $parts ) { // Override the output for your 'books' post type // Now you can simply create a book-entry.php file in your child theme // and whatever you place there will display for the entry if ( 'books' == get_post_type() ) { $parts['cpt_entry'] = 'book-entry'; } // Return parts return $parts; } add_filter( 'wpex_template_parts', 'myprefix_custom_template_parts' );
Related Items for Custom Post Type
// There isn't any built-in function for related items but you can easily add your own section with some code like this // IMPORTANT => change "book" to your post type name // IMPORTANT => change myprefix to your custom prefix for styling purposes // IMPORTANT => this will add related to the bottom of your post // if you don't want it there you can change the order of your "blocks" array or you can instead // hook the output into a different theme hook add_filter( 'wpex_book_single_blocks', function( $blocks ) { $blocks['related'] = function() { // Query posts $related = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'book', 'posts_per_page' => 3, 'no_found_rows' => true, 'post__not_in' => array( get_the_ID() ), ) ); if ( $related->have_posts() ) : ?> <div class="myprefix-related-posts wpex-row clr"> <?php // Columns number $columns = 3; // Define counter variable $count = 0; // Your loop while ( $related->have_posts() ) : $related->the_post(); // Add to counter $count++; ?> <div class="myprefix-related-entry col span_1_of_<?php echo $columns; ?> col-<?php echo $count; ?> clr"> <a href="<?php wpex_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php wpex_esc_title(); ?>"> <?php wpex_post_thumbnail( array( 'width' => 500, 'height' => 300, ) ); ?> </a> <h2><a href="<?php wpex_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php wpex_esc_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2> <?php wpex_excerpt( array( 'length' => 20, ) ); ?> </div> <?php // Reset counter if ( $count == $columns ) { $count = 0; } endwhile; ?> </div> <?php endif; wp_reset_postdata(); ?> <?php }; return $blocks; }, 40 );
How To Remove Script Version Numbers
function wpex_remove_script_version( $src ) { if ( strpos( $src, 'ver=' ) ) { $src = remove_query_arg( 'ver', $src ); } return $src; } add_filter( 'script_loader_src', 'wpex_remove_script_version', 15, 1 ); add_filter( 'style_loader_src', 'wpex_remove_script_version', 15, 1 );
Custom Google Font Lists
function myprefix_google_fonts( $array ) { return array( 'Open Sans', 'Roboto', 'Source Sans Pro' ); } add_filter( 'wpex_google_fonts_array', 'myprefix_google_fonts' );
Add Version Number to Child Theme to Prevent Browser Cache
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', function() { if ( ! defined( 'WPEX_THEME_STYLE_HANDLE' ) ) { return; } // First de-register the main child theme stylesheet wp_deregister_style( WPEX_THEME_STYLE_HANDLE ); // Then add it again, using filemtime for the version number so everytime the child theme changes so will the version number wp_register_style( WPEX_THEME_STYLE_HANDLE, get_stylesheet_uri(), array(), filemtime( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/style.css' ) ); // Finally enqueue it again wp_enqueue_style( WPEX_THEME_STYLE_HANDLE ); } );
Place An Advertisement Under Your Header/Menu
/** * Place An Advertisement Under Your Header * Use conditionals to show/hide accordingly * * @link * */ function add_banner_after_header() { ?> <div class="my-header-ad clr"> <div class="container clr"> <!-- .center the content --> YOUR ADVERTISEMENT CODE HERE </div><!-- .container --> </div><!-- .my-header-ad --> <?php } add_action( 'wpex_hook_header_after', 'add_banner_after_header' );
Alter Editor Shortcodes Insert Button Default Value
add_filter( 'wpex_shortcodes_tinymce_json', function( $data ) { // Alter the default insert code for the button shortcode $data['shortcodes']['vcex_button']['insert'] = '[vcex_button url="" title="Visit Site" style="graphical" align="left" color="black" size="small" target="self" rel="none"]Button Text[/vcex_button]'; // Return data return $data; }, 40 );
Get & Display Term Thumbnail
if ( $thumb_id = wpex_get_term_thumbnail_id() ) { $image = wpex_get_post_thumbnail( array( 'attachment' => $thumb_id, 'width' => '', // Int: Custom image width 'height' => '', // Int: Custom image height 'crop' => 'center-center', // Str: Crop location 'alt' => '', // Str: Custom alt tag for image 'class' => '', // Str: Add custom classes 'return' => 'html', // Str: Return html or src ) ); echo $image; }
Disable WordPress SEO by Yoast Page Analysis
// Disable WordPress SEO by Yoast Page Analysis which seems to cause issues with the Visual Composer function disable_wpseo_use_page_analysis() { return false; } add_filter( 'wpseo_use_page_analysis', 'disable_wpseo_use_page_analysis' );
Re-Order Social Sharing Sites
// Re-Order Social Sharing Sites function my_wpex_social_share_sites( $sites ) { // Define the sites in your own order $sites = array( 'twitter', 'facebook', 'google_plus', 'pinterest', 'linkedin' ); // Return sites return $sites; } add_filter( 'wpex_social_share_sites', 'my_wpex_social_share_sites' );
Change The Theme Heading Border Color
body .theme-heading span.text:after { border-color: #000; }
Better RSS Feeds (Removes Shortcodes & Displays Thumbnail)
// IMPORTANT: Use this function to clear your RSS cache so you can see your changes, then REMOVE it function prefix_set_feed_cache_time( $seconds ) { return 0; } add_filter( 'wp_feed_cache_transient_lifetime' , 'prefix_set_feed_cache_time' ); // Custom RSS feed function my_custom_rss_feed( $content ) { // Get post global $post; // Generate 50 word excerpt using the Total wpex_excerpt function // This will strip out shortcodes from the Visual Composer $content = wpex_get_excerpt( array( 'length' => 50, 'more' => false // remove hellip ) ); // Display post thumbnail if defined if ( has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) ){ $content = get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, 'full', array( 'style' => 'float:left; margin:0 15px 15px 0;' ) ) . $content; } // Return the content return $content; } add_filter( 'the_excerpt_rss', 'my_custom_rss_feed', 999 ); add_filter( 'the_content_feed', 'my_custom_rss_feed', 999 );
Add “nocookie” To WordPress oEmbeded Youtube Videos
// Add "nocookie" To WordPress oEmbeded Youtube Videos function wpex_youtube_nocookie_oembed( $return ) { $return = str_replace( 'youtube', 'youtube-nocookie', $return ); return $return; } add_filter( 'oembed_dataparse', 'wpex_youtube_nocookie_oembed' );
Alter The Image Width In The 1 Column Left Image & Right Content Grid
/* edit globally (can also be added in the VC custom CSS to target a specific page only) */ body .entries.left-thumbs .entry .entry-media { width: 20% } body .entries.left-thumbs .entry .entry-details { width: 76% } /* target specific grid */ .my-custom-class .entries.left-thumbs .entry .entry-media { width: 20% } .my-custom-class .entry .entry-details { width: 76% }
Remove Text On Post Social Share Icons
body .wpex-social-share .wpex-label { display: none; }
TagCloud With Different Font Sizes
add_filter( 'widget_tag_cloud_args', function( $args ) { $args['largest'] = '0.923'; // add your custom largest size here $args['smallest'] = '0.923'; // Add your custom smallest size here $args['unit'] = 'em'; // You can choose between em or px values return $args; }, 40 );
Disable URL Hash Update For Local Scroll Links
/** * Disable hash update when clicking local scroll links * * @link 1.6.0 * */ function myprefix_disable_local_scroll_hash_update( $array ) { $array['localScrollUpdateHash'] = false; return $array; } add_filter( 'wpex_localize_array', 'myprefix_disable_local_scroll_hash_update' );
Make Page Content Background Transparent for Boxed Layout
/* Option 1 => Using Opacity */ .boxed-main-layout #wrap { opacity: 0.8; } /* Option 2 => Using RGBA Colors */ .boxed-main-layout #wrap { background: rgba(255,255,255,0.5); } .wpex-sticky-header-holder { background: none; } .page-header, #footer-callout-wrap { background: rgba(255,255,255,0.5); } .site-footer { background: rgba(000,000,000,0.7); } #footer-bottom { background: rgba(000,000,000,0.5); }